Monday, July 13, 2009


"If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you." - James 1:5

I was excited to search for God all day today and glad to report that I found Him in so much more than what I'm writing about! Tomorrow I'm taking a camera ;)

What stuck out to me today came in a conversation with a dear friend. It wasn't until we finished talking and praying together that I was struck by the places that God's wisdom and truth came out of our counverstaion. Wisdom is a funny thing. I don't know that you ever really feel wise or feel wisdom coming on, but I think that there are times where you take a step back and say, "Huh, I definitely couldn't have come to this conclusion on my own."

I'm so blessed to be around so many people who are seeking God's heart. The wisdom that he has given generously to them spills over onto me and vice versa. What an encouragement to know that God has given generously already and will continue to, even when I don't even see it happening.

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